Vol. 28 No. 66 (2016): May-August


Marco Antonio Espinosa Trujillo, Virginia Guadalupe Reyes de la Cruz, Flor del Carmen Pérez Vera, Jesús Torres Sombra
Oportunidades Program and the economic welfare of beneficiary households in San Bartolome Quialana, Oaxaca
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Elizabeth Maier
Restricted freedoms: abortion and the decline of freedom of choice in the United States
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Elizabeth Gálvez Santillán, Esthela Gutiérrez Garza, Esteban Picazzo Palencia, Jesús Osorio Calderón
Decent work, an alternative to reduce inequality in the context of globalization: the case of Mexico
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Julio Adrián Muñoz Núñez, Ramiro Jaimes Martínez
Of vicars and bishops. The establishment of the Diocese of Tijuana, 1940-1964
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David Moreno Candil, Ana Celia Chapa Romero, Celene Esmeralda Rivas Zavala
From the dichotomous to the relative. An study of the implicit theories of intimate partner violence
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Margarita Calleja Pinedo, María Basilia Valenzuela
Tortilla as a culinary identity and global consumer product
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Sandra Eloisa Ortiz Acosta, María de Lourdes Romo Aguilar
Water management socio-environmental impacts on the Protected Natural Area of Cuatro Cienegas, Coahuila
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Maribel Pallanez Murrieta, José Luis Moreno Vázquez
Socio-environmental conflict between government and miners: the history of a protected natural area in northern Mexico
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Judith Ley García, Fabiola Maribel Denegri de Dios, Guadalupe Sánchez Contreras
Constant and changing hazards in the social perception of hazardscape in the city of Mexicali
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Lucio Flores Payán
Quantifying the economic performance of local governments in Mexico
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