The aim of this article is to analyze the spatial relationship between the socio-spatial hierarchy index and the employment accessibility index in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, through the use of spatial analysis methods. The methodology was developed in two stages: first, the socio-spatial hierarchy and employment accessibility indices were constructed; second, their spatial relationship was studied by analyzing spatial autocorrelation and local indicators of spatial association. The data used to construct the indices came from the Population and Housing Census (INEGI, 2000) and Economic Census (INEGI, 2004). Spatial analysis was carried out using the Geoda software, developed by the Geoda Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation. The results prove the spatial relationship between residential segregation and access to employment centers, as well as the identification of homogeneous clusters of census tracts with a high or low level of socio-spatial hierarchy and access to employment, which helps identify clusters of social exclusion.
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