Apertura comercial, cambios en la estructura productiva y desempeño de la economía de los estados de la frontera norte de México: 1993-2004
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economic structure
input-output analysis
regional development
portfolio selection
spatial distribution of economic activity
sectorial planning

How to Cite

Apertura comercial, cambios en la estructura productiva y desempeño de la economía de los estados de la frontera norte de México: 1993-2004. (2013). región Y Sociedad, 25(56). https://doi.org/10.22198/rys.2013.56.a98


By applying the model developed by Siegel et al. (1995), we analyze the effects changes in production structure have had on the economic performance of the Northern Mexico border states, measured in terms of the expected increase in the gross value of production, as well as the stability in the evolution of this variable (measured by its variance). The study covers the period between 1993 and 2004, during which measures to accelerate the liberalization of Mexico's foreign trade were strengthened and deepened. Subsequently, the behavior of the variables analyzed is projected for the period between 2005 and 2012, and is contrasted with various alternative scenarios aimed at boosting sectors whose increased dynamism would contribute to improving the performance of these local economies.

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