The spatial dimension of decisions on land management. An analysis model
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decision making
land management
actor-network theory
cover change and land use
spatial analysis

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The spatial dimension of decisions on land management. An analysis model. (2019). región Y Sociedad, 31.


In today’s debate on global environmental change and contribution of human activities as a detonator of this process, disciplinary controversies are generated. This article aims to develop an analysis model in order to integrate the spatial dimension into the study of decisions on land management, and consequently overcome constraints of studies that deal with this subject from an exclusively sociological perspective, as well as those which privilege the spatial approach. In the model, the cover change and land use analysis is combined with the actor-network theory. The result is a hybrid model that assigns the category of essential explanatory element to spatial dimension so as to understand decision making on land management. The usefulness of the model might be limited by the availability of information at detailed geographical scales; however, it provides elements for moving from the explanatory models to the transformers of socio-natural reality.
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