Morphology and urban structure in Mexican medium-sized cities
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urban structure
medium-sized cities
urban morphology
urban evolution

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Morphology and urban structure in Mexican medium-sized cities. (2017). región Y Sociedad, 29(68).


This is a study of spatial models and their evolution in 32 Mexican medium-sized cities, according to their growth morphology, from the spatial analysis of the density gradient, population’s age structure and housing tenure, with information of the general population and housing censuses of 1990 y 2000. According to the statistical results, it can be said that there is an intra-urban change in the spatial performance of variables, which, independently of their morphology, the internal structure in medium-sized cities is no longer central, since variance in the indicators studied is not determined by the distance to the center. Furthermore, it is hypothesized that the spatial structure of medium-sized cities is more connected with urban space’s temporality than with the distance to the center. It is essential to study these intra-urban dynamics to identify cities’ evolution, as well as more appropriate planning strategies in order to improve their performance and their inhabitants’ well-being.

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