La gobernanza participativa de áreas naturales protegidas. El caso de la Reserva de la Biosfera El Vizcaíno
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La gobernanza participativa de áreas naturales protegidas. El caso de la Reserva de la Biosfera El Vizcaíno. (2014). región Y Sociedad, 26(59).


Using the example of the El Vizcaíno Biosphere Reserve, and drawing on the concepts of acceptance and governance, different attitudes regarding protected areas are analyzed. Based on 38 in-depth interviews carried out in 2010 with actors involved in biosphere reserve management and decision-making, the ramifications of identified discrepancies in environmental governance are analyzed, focusing on the viability of existing platforms established during the 1990s to mitigate conflicts and promote acceptance of measures applied to implement Mexican environmental policy. Despite the fact that most interviewees generally accept both the legal status of the biosphere reserve and the specific measures to enforce environmental norms, a small but powerful group of opposing actors still constrains the efficacy of recently established negotiation platforms.
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