Los efectos del tipo de cambio en el mercado de tomate en la zona del TLCAN, 2005-2008
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exchange rate
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
spatial and inter-temporal equilibrium model

How to Cite

Los efectos del tipo de cambio en el mercado de tomate en la zona del TLCAN, 2005-2008. (2014). región Y Sociedad, 26(59). https://doi.org/10.22198/rys.2014.59.a72


Mexico exported 921,000 tons of red tomato to the United States market between 2005 and 2008, covering almost 90 percent of US imports. To analyze the effects of exchange rate modifications on the competitiveness of Mexican tomato exports to the US, a spatial and intertemporal equilibrium model was validated. The results indicate that an appreciation of the peso would decrease Mexican tomato exports, while a depreciation of the peso would increase them, displacing US domestic production and imports coming from Canada. It is concluded that the depreciation of the peso has great impact on trade flows of tomatoes in the North American Free Trade Agreement market, so it is important to ensure an exchange policy that seeks exchange rate stability.

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Copyright (c) 2017 Mercedes Borja Bravo, José Alberto García Salazar


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