Arquitectura de la Revolución: Simbolismo de las ciudades y obra pública (1915-1962)
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national rebuilding
new social contract
centers of population
new settlements
emerging political class
city planning

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Arquitectura de la Revolución: Simbolismo de las ciudades y obra pública (1915-1962). (2002). región Y Sociedad, 14(24).


This text deals with the process of national rebuilding which had to be undertaken by the new social contract on the ruins caused by the Mexican Revolution, particularly in the northwest of the country. Both the urban structure of the territory and the internal shaping of the centers of population in the early 21st century are understood to a large extent in virtue of the processes generated by the revolutionary movement. The new economic, social and cultural policies gave impetus to new settlements, others were consolidated and the great majority underwent major changes. Above all, during this period the towns in the agricultural valleys and irrigation districts were established. The guiding idea of this reflections assumes that the regimes arisen from the revolution materialized the system of symbols identified with the ideology of the emerging political class in the region, the towns and the architecture. This system gives new meanings to the space constructed. It is a process of changing meanings, a symbolization in accordance with the new social values, where architecture and city planning play a role in the shaping of the revolutionary experience through achieving creative symbolisms.

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