La tensión entre la fragmentación y la integración en la reforma a los sistemas de salud. Un estudio comparativo entre Alemania y México
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health care reform
new public management
administrative reform
regulatory reform
comparative study

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La tensión entre la fragmentación y la integración en la reforma a los sistemas de salud. Un estudio comparativo entre Alemania y México. (2014). región Y Sociedad, 26(61).


This article explores the evolution of two very different health care systems in Mexico and Germany. It is argued that the provision of comprehensive health care remains a complex problem, especially because health care system management is often designed to improve the overall governance process, creating tension between fragmentation and integration. Based on general organizational categories, the dynamics of regulation and its driving forces were reviewed. The overall analytical orientation consisted of examining the impact of new management models on health policy design. Results show that the two different systems share common problems when similar reforms are conceptualized theoretically but implemented differently.
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