Salud en Sonora desde una perspectiva de género: retos y propuestas
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reproductive health

How to Cite

Salud en Sonora desde una perspectiva de género: retos y propuestas. (2007). región Y Sociedad, 19.


This article offers a reflection on gender inequalities that affect the health of Sonora's population. We analyzed the five leading causes of death for two age groups: 15 to 24, and 25 to 34. This design was used for the purpose of defining and clarifying the differences within this age group, though we do not affirm in any way that the same analysis is irrelevant to the rest of the population. An analysis of the differences between men and women, from a gender perspective, contributes to a better understanding of health issues and their socio-cultural constraints; different roles, responsibilities and obligations are established for men and women, in addition to social norms that determine an unequal access to social, economic and political power. We include a brief conceptual description, the analysis of statistical data, as well as a final section on challenges and proposals.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2017 Catalina A. Denman, Ma. del Carmen Castro V., Patricia Aranda


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