Globalización y salud de los trabajadores: Jornaleros agrícolas y producción de uva en Pesqueira, Sonora
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table grape production

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Globalización y salud de los trabajadores: Jornaleros agrícolas y producción de uva en Pesqueira, Sonora. (2007). región Y Sociedad, 19(40).


Complexity and magnitude are a substantial part of the definition of current globalization processes, making explicit the limitations of current theoretical frameworks for studying them, and the need for a broader perspective from which to understand multi-level phenomena. In terms of health, the suggestion is to broaden the epidemiological viewpoint to include frameworks traditionally embraced by other disciplines, with the understanding that these approaches need to be applied to a concrete set of local problems in order to be appreciated. One example is the case of farmworkers involved in table grape production in Pesqueira, Sonora. This article contains three closely-related issues: the concept of globalization, the debate surrounding the consequences of globalization on health, and some preliminary research results on how globalization processes translate into particular health results in the mentioned case study. This exercise allows us to describe how some globalization outcomes are affecting the lives of rural laborers facing new working conditions.

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