Educación para la prevención del VIH-SIDA para inmigrantes indígenas en Baja California
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receptive indigenous communities
community education
cultural sensibility
gender perspective
indigenous women promoters

How to Cite

Educación para la prevención del VIH-SIDA para inmigrantes indígenas en Baja California. (2007). región Y Sociedad, 19(40).


The objective of this article is to anchor the analysis of a research-action experience in education for the prevention of HIV-AIDS in indigenous immigrant communities in Baja California, to a theoretical and phenomenological framework that organizes the multiple dimensions of this issue, and offers a deeper understanding of the implications of the pandemic for these communities, the significance of indigenous women's participation, and the results obtained, as well as the importance of a gender perspective and cultural orientation for its success. The concept of vulnerability is used to depict the extremely fragile living conditions of origin and receptive indigenous communities, the subaltern implications of indigenous women's traditional identity, and the risks of migration itself. This article interprets community health promotion in terms of the gendered culture of origin communities, the historical and subjective meanings of increasing indigenous migration, and subsequent attempts at social, cultural, and gender reorganization produced by migratory dislocation. Based on this complex theoretical, conceptual, historical, phenomenological and relational jigsaw puzzle, the last part of the article focuses on the mechanics and contents of the project, and the results obtained by the community and the women promoters from the experience.

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