Etnicidad y salud: Estado del arte y referentes del noroeste de México
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ethnicity and health
sociocultural epidemiology
indigenous health in northwestern Mexico

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Etnicidad y salud: Estado del arte y referentes del noroeste de México. (2008). región Y Sociedad, 20(2).


The main purpose of this essay is to illustrate the need to extend our theoretical and methodological frames in the study of ethnicity and health, deriving a specific case from the general in the epidemiological analysis by means of integrating cuantitative and qualitative data. With this aim, this paper first approaches the state of the art in the field of ethnicity and health, and proposes the convenience of distinguishing between three related fields: genotype, phenotype and ethnicity. Then some selected research results are presented in order to prove certain differences between the indigenous people of Mexico and those from the country's northwestern region. Finally, some reflections are elaborated from this exercise as conclusions, discussing the appropriateness of sociocultural epidemiology as analytical frame in the study of health of ethnically differentiated populations.

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