Remesas y desarrollo humano: el caso de Zacatecas
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regional development
human development index

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Remesas y desarrollo humano: el caso de Zacatecas. (2008). región Y Sociedad, 20(41).


Traditionally, studies on remittances have focused on evaluating their economic impact on the receiving community. In this study, we take an alternative view and analyze how remittances impact on human development of the receiving families. That is, we are interested in determining whether the foreign funds that families receive are used on goods different from those of the typical consumption, such as medical care and education. Using data from the XII General Population and Housing Census, we constructed a human development index (HDI) , for Zacatecas, and estimated its statistical relation with remittances. Employing an instrumental variables methodology, we found that remittances are positively and significantly related to HDI.

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