Riqueza ecológica y pobreza económica en un área natural protegida en Baja California Sur
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rural development
poverty index
real income
reserve of the biosphere
Baja California Sur
natural protected area
public policy against poverty
food poverty
capacity poverty
patrimonial poverty.

How to Cite

Riqueza ecológica y pobreza económica en un área natural protegida en Baja California Sur. (2008). región Y Sociedad, 20(42). https://doi.org/10.22198/rys.2008.42.a513


The concept of poverty is analyzed here, in a local community that lives within the boundaries of a protected natural area (PNA), using the methodological framework suggested by the Secretaría de Desarrollo Social [Ministry of Social Development] (SEDESOL, according to its Spanish initials), whose public policy establishes three categories for measuring poverty: food poverty, capacity poverty, and patrimonial poverty. We consider as a case study the Ejido San Jorge (ESJ) , located within the boundaries of the Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra La Laguna, in Baja California Sur. The analysis is based on information gathered through interviews with members of the community. Per capita income was used as criteria for defining if that income allows the person to cover basic needs. The results showed that the poverty in the area, between 2000 and 2004, did not change greatly The conclusion is that the population is poor, according to the own SEDESOL criteria, and that this condition has not improved despite living in a PNA. We discuss some alternatives to mitigate poverty conditions in the analyzed community.

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