Although export base and regional innovation system (RIS) are approaches which emerged from different contexts, both merged, through deregulation, into the same interdependent and complementary point. The former emphasizes what needs to be done in order to reduce regional leakage; the latter addresses how to do so, that is, the institutional path to accomplish such a goal. Both theories are important in order to explain the economy of Sinaloa, whose structure has a deficit regarding its foreign relations. Diversification is a must, as well as the context to make it happen. Otherwise, the current economic structure will continue to be the main obstacle to entering into a more mature economy. Diversification must be seen through market determinants, particularly in agricultural food products that ensure maximum economic impact, since such elements constitute the craft and strength of Sinaloa. It is also necessary to promote a close dialogue among the parties, and to privilege the paradigms that guarantee learning.
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