Las exportaciones de China y los determinantes locales del empleo en las maquiladoras de la frontera norte de México
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labor demand
China exports
autoregressive vector models (ARV)

How to Cite

Las exportaciones de China y los determinantes locales del empleo en las maquiladoras de la frontera norte de México. (2009). región Y Sociedad, 21(44).


Recently, Mexico's maquiladora industry has reduced its rate of growth. This study estimates the impact of the United States' industrial activity and China's exports on labor demand in the maquiladoras of the northern border states of Mexico. With data on US industrial activity, Chinese exports, wages and the exchange rate, a time series cointegration model was developed. The results show that exports from China to the us and maquiladora wages have affected labor demand in the maquiladora negatively, while factors such as the average size of the plant, the industrial production of the US, and the exchange rate tend to encourage maquiladora activity.

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