Mercado de trabajo e industria maquiladora en Sonora y la frontera norte
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labor markets
northern border

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Mercado de trabajo e industria maquiladora en Sonora y la frontera norte. (2009). región Y Sociedad, 21(44).


The article analyzes the labor market in Sonora and Mexico's northern border states, based on the development of the maquiladora industry in terms of regional employment and wages. For a tradable and non-tradable goods economy, which uses a model in which international trade has an impact on the employment and wages of a particular region, and based on an estimate using panel data, the article studies the effect of employment and wage demands on the maquiladora sector which resulted from the demand for exports of manufactured goods not produced by maquiladoras from 1997 to 2004, with emphasis on the stage of closings of maquiladoras between 2001 and 2003. The results suggest that, for this period in particular, employment in sectors other than the maquila determines the balance in the job market, and that salaries of the maquiladoras are influenced by the balance of supply and demand in those sectors.

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