En los bordes de la corrupción: análisis de la conformación, funcionamiento y expropiación de la Compañía Azucarera del Mante (1930-1939)
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Tamaulipas and Mexico 20th century history
Mexican political history 1930s
sugar plantation in Tamaulipas
corruption studies about Mexico

How to Cite

En los bordes de la corrupción: análisis de la conformación, funcionamiento y expropiación de la Compañía Azucarera del Mante (1930-1939). (2015). región Y Sociedad, 27(62). https://doi.org/10.22198/rys.2015.62.a43


This article asks us to revisit the way in which certain actions seen as corrupt from a contemporary lens acquire a distinct meaning and dimension once we consider them from a historical vantage point. A historical analysis of the way in which the Compañía Azucarera del Mante, its development and the manner in which the decree for its expropriation was carried out, reveals that the legal violations did not only involve local officials, but that this was a response to the ineffectiveness of public institutions. The Lázaro Cardenas administration seized this moment as a strategy to gain support and combat growing opposition.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Diana Lizbeth Méndez Medina


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