Verticality policy: drones, territory and population in Latin America
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verticality policy
surveillance drones
social classification

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Verticality policy: drones, territory and population in Latin America. (2016). región Y Sociedad, 28(65).


This article discusses how unmanned aerial vehicles or drones in Latin America introduce a vertical gaze, which fuses different layers of geographic, social and political information into a three-dimensional model. This policy of verticality, where the State assigns an important role to the view from above as a criterion for observation and intervention over spaces and social groups, introduces novel principles for border management, security policy development and social protest control. The article shows how drones not only decontextualize social dynamics and identities, but also define them as objectives or targets, exporting and adapting the algorithmic architectures of war into the civil sphere, a way of establishing a model of intervention that seeks to influence, direct, guide, and manipulate the environment in which individuals live.

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