This article analyzes the effects of how corruption concerning satisfaction with the public services offered by local Mexican governments, such as police protection, public lighting, drinking water, care of parks and gardens and garbage collection, is perceived. For this purpose, logistic ordinal models applied to data from the 2013 National Government Quality and Impact Survey are used. The analysis shows that in order to evaluate satisfaction with services, citizens use their perceptions of government corruption as well as their experiences with public officials and workers. Since this study only uses data from the 2013 survey, it is not possible to take into account the dynamic efficiency that, by definition, is required to make an evaluation of future consumption of goods and services. It was found that changes in perception of grand corruption can more successfully account for variations in satisfaction with public services than changes in perception of petty corruption. These results show non-pecuniary costs generated by corruption, which can undermine satisfaction with local governments, political parties and even with democracy.
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