Identidad regional y actores: una experiencia de intervención sociológica en el valle de San Quintín, Baja California
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regional identity
sociological intervention
collective action
immigration and ethnicity

How to Cite

Identidad regional y actores: una experiencia de intervención sociológica en el valle de San Quintín, Baja California. (2011). región Y Sociedad, 23(51).


This article presents the systematization of a two-year sociological intervention among a group of activists in the agricultural export region known as the San Quintín valley-on the border between Mexico and the United States-which aimed to study the emergence of a regional identity due to the mobilization of residents and agricultural workers during the last two decades of the twentieth century. In the course of our research to define a regional identity, we found a transformation of the identity of the movement which is linked to macro-structural changes in the area and a struggle against exclusion.

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