Learning about the limits to upgrading: the cluster of the television-set industry in Mexico
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industrial upgrading
cluster analysis
television set industry
electronic industry

How to Cite

Learning about the limits to upgrading: the cluster of the television-set industry in Mexico. (2017). región Y Sociedad, 29(70). https://doi.org/10.22198/rys.2017.70.a320


The aim of this paper was to determine the evolution of television set industry in Tijuana. The methodology used to analyze the industrial upgrading process involved a comparison between two critical moments in this industry: the evolution from the cathode ray tube television set to the flat screen television set, and, a decade later, the changes in the business models. The study was based on two surveys and on qualitative interviews. The results show that there was an increase in the manufacturers’ productive and competitive performance, but the allocation of the technological and productive capabilities in the region was different. It was not possible to incorporate the Mexican suppliers and the added value of most of the plants studied was low. It is concluded that technological advancement and the change in the business models of the companies that make up the television set industry in Tijuana caused a downgrading in the technological and labor capacities, and thus constrained the upgrading process achieved.

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