This paper analyzes the performance of the adoption of information and communication technologies in manufacturing sub-sectors of Baja California in order to determine their effects on the economic results and the changes generated in the companies. For this purpose, six dimensions of the model developed by Karmarkar and Mangal (2004) were utilized, and using the Kendall’s tau-b the correlation between the level of adoption of such technologies and the economic results was calculated. Although these were not compared to those of other studies, since only certain types of companies were selected, the situation of state manufacturing sector was set out in relation to the use of these technologies. Therefore, it can be concluded that the adoption of such technologies has a positive influence on the performance of companies.References
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Copyright (c) 2017 Lourdes Alicia González Torres, Manuel Alejandro Ibarra Cisneros, Karla Emilia Cervantes Collado