Usos sociales del agua y medio ambiente en la cuenca internacional del río Colorado
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international rivers
Colorado River

How to Cite

Usos sociales del agua y medio ambiente en la cuenca internacional del río Colorado. (2015). región Y Sociedad, 27(63).


The article analyzes how transformations in the social uses of water relate to changes in the way the human-nature relationship is established. Concepts and ideas of what must be done with natural resources have been modified; consequently, discussions and proposals on how to exploit them have changed, and issues are dealt with differently. This is illustrated by the international flow of the Colorado River, which is frequently regarded as one of the bodies of water that has generated some of the most serious conflicts of the 20th century, and which, for some, may become one of the most water-stressed regions in upcoming years.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2017 Marco Antonio Samaniego López, Carlos Díaz Delgado


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