Differential Uses of the Smartphone between Women and Men in Rural Mexico
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digital gap
digital skills
rural areas
rural Mexico

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Differential Uses of the Smartphone between Women and Men in Rural Mexico. (2024). región Y Sociedad, 36, e1896. https://doi.org/10.22198/rys2024/36/1896


Objective: Analyzing smartphone differentiated uses between women and men that live in Mexican rural sector. Methodology: Using data from the National Survey on Availability and Use of Information Technologies in Households 2022, a bivariate regression model was estimated for work, school, training, and commercial purposes. Results: There is a differentiated use by gender. The higher level of schooling and digital skills of the individual translates into a greater diversification of smartphone use. Value: The purposes of using the smartphone is related with women and men’s traditional social roles, which reinforce inequalities for women due to their marginalized position in public space. Limitations: The analysis focuses on the rural population, defined by the National Institute of Statistic and Geography as those localities with less than 2 500 inhabitants. Conclusions: The digital gap in the use of smartphones between women and men is conditioned by age, educational level, type of occupation and level of digital skills.

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