Feasibility of a Preventive Program for the Consumption of Addictive Substances in High School Students in Sonora
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addictive substances
program evaluation
high school students

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Feasibility of a Preventive Program for the Consumption of Addictive Substances in High School Students in Sonora. (2024). región Y Sociedad, 36, e1878. https://doi.org/10.22198/rys2024/36/1878


Objective: Evaluating the feasibility of Mantente REAL, a substance abuse prevention program for high school students in a region of Sonora. Methodology: Cross-sectional descriptive; 198 high school students and 31 program facilitators participated. Students responded to an opinion survey and facilitators participated in focus groups. Results: The participants report satisfaction with the program, they found it interesting, fun, and useful, although they slightly disagreed in considering it related to their lives. Facilitators report satisfaction, relevance of contents to the context and age of participants. They also identified barriers to implementation in terms of technological equipment (computers, projectors, speakers), infrastructure, organization, and commitment; however, activities were implemented to overcome them. Value: Implementation and evaluation of an evidence-based substance abuse prevention program that has been culturally and regionally adapted. Limitations: Teachers and students’ sample is small due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: If obstacles are addressed, Mantente REAL is feasible to be applied in the prevention of substance use in Sonora's high school students.

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Copyright (c) 2024 María del Rosario López Sauceda, Flavio F. Marsiglia, Ma. Guadalupe González Lizárraga, Fara Gisela Arreola Romero


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