La expansión de la ciudad de Mexicali: una aproximación desde la visión de sus habitantes
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urban expansion
rural and urban growth
capital investment
border city
everyday life

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La expansión de la ciudad de Mexicali: una aproximación desde la visión de sus habitantes. (2011). región Y Sociedad, 23(52).


This article presents urban expansion as a product of capital flows that, upon their arrival, modify the territory and way of life of its inhabitants. The city of Mexicali, which adjoins the United States and has a particular local dynamic and spatial structure, is used as a case study. Although successive records of urban growth are legible marks in the physical space, they also become part of the memories of the residents of the city, who through the narration of their experiences and everyday living allow us to know the changes in the city and offer the opportunity to analyze the sense of ownership and identification of the inhabitants in a relational and historic sense.

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