The Innovation of the Sustainable Business Model in Ecuadorian Tourism Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Review of the Literature
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tourism entrepreneurship
sustainable business model innovation
sustainable business model
systematic review of the literature

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The Innovation of the Sustainable Business Model in Ecuadorian Tourism Entrepreneurship: A Systematic Review of the Literature. (2024). región Y Sociedad, 36, e1855.


innovation in Ecuadorian tourism entrepreneurship. Methodology: Exploratory, derived from an analysis of 165 articles on sustainable business model innovation selected and analyzed from Scopus and Web of Science. Results: A holistic research framework is proposed, identifying six main components of sustainable business model innovation. Value: These components offer multiple perspectives for analysis in tourism entrepreneurship. Limitations: The present study circumscribes to only two databases and to a few key words. Conclusions: A perspective on sustainable business model innovation in regional tourism ventures is proposed, exploring how they redesign their business models and how this constant redesign allows them to analyze new ways to transform sustainable value proposition, creation, and capture in tourism products.

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