La movilidad y la distribución del ingreso en los municipios de Coahuila
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income distribution
Markov chains
per capita municipal GDP

How to Cite

La movilidad y la distribución del ingreso en los municipios de Coahuila. (2011). región Y Sociedad, 23(52).


This article analyses the income distribution dynamics of Coahuila's municipalities for the years between 1970 and 2000 using ever more common alternative tools for studying regional inequality dynamics: Markov chains and density functions. In our case, the analysis is disaggregated to the municipal level in order to see how these economic units interact, a context that enriches the literature on the topic, which still consists predominantly of works that use a more traditional approach, such as the classic convergence equation. Results indicate relative immobility of Coahuila's municipalities in terms of their income, implying that there are no important changes in income distribution, which is also polarized.

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