Regional Industrial Complexes in Mexico as an Instrument of Industrial Policy for Development: An I-O Tables and Local Indicators of Spatial Association Approach, 2013 and 2018
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industrial complexes
input-output matrix
spatial association
R software

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Regional Industrial Complexes in Mexico as an Instrument of Industrial Policy for Development: An I-O Tables and Local Indicators of Spatial Association Approach, 2013 and 2018 . (2023). región Y Sociedad, 35, e1805.


Objective: To propose and illustrate a method for identifying industrial complexes at the municipal scale in order to incorporate the spatial dimension into industrial policy. Methodology: Closely linked industrial activities are identified based on the relationship between input and product at the level of branch of activity. Then, these activities are geographically located by evaluating their spatial concentration patterns. Results: In 2013 and 2018, nine industrial production chains and their spatial distribution in the municipal level were identified and analyzed as industrial complexes. Value: The use of the Moran spatial association statistic allows accurate classification between effective and potential complexes and assesses their statistical significance without assuming a specific distribution shape. In addition, the databases and the R software code registry can be used for study reproducibility. Limitations: The proposed method does not show the differentiation between technological or productivity differences among regions. Conclusions: The industrial complexes located in the State of Mexico, Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey maintain their municipal composition between 2013 and 2018. Additionally, during this period, the number of municipalities comprising complexes in the western and northern regions of Mexico increases.

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