Inequality in the Provision of Green Spaces in Monterrey Municipality: An Environmental Injustice
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green spaces
population density
environmental justice

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Inequality in the Provision of Green Spaces in Monterrey Municipality: An Environmental Injustice. (2023). región Y Sociedad, 35, e1784.


Objective: Determining the differences in the surface and the spatial conditions of the green space between two residential areas with contrast in population concentration. Methodology: The analysis was carried out using geostatistical maps, satellite images, and panoramic site photographs. Results: It was found that the surfaces of the park areas are not related to the population and are uneven in areas with greater social backwardness. Similarly, differences were found in the levels of vegetation and the variety of facilities within the spaces. Value: The importance of providing green spaces in relation to the number of inhabitants is highlighted. Limitations: To expand the study it is necessary to know the proximity of the green spaces to the housing. Conclusions: The disparities in the proportion of green spaces accentuate the inequity in the provision and access to public facilities in the city.

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