University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions: An Analysis through the Entrepreneurial Orientation Model
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University students
entrepreneurial orientation
entrepreneurial intention

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University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions: An Analysis through the Entrepreneurial Orientation Model. (2023). región Y Sociedad, 35, e1781.


Objective: To determine the relationship between the Entrepreneurial Orientation model variables and the entrepreneurial intention of university students. Methodology: 256 questionnaires were applied to incoming students from various higher education institutions in Tamaulipas, Mexico. Results: Proactivity and risk propensity influence the entrepreneurial intentions of students, while innovation does not show a significant relationship. Value: The study is important given the global situation such as the pandemic, and the role of universities in training individuals capable of developing business projects, generating employment, and fostering regional socioeconomic growth. Limitations: The generalization of results is limited; it would be useful to replicate the study in different contexts and consider students at different stages of their professional careers. Conclusions: The findings help educational institutions design strategies to maintain and increase students' entrepreneurial intentions during their professional development.

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