El aislamiento social de los trabajadores con visas H-2A. El ejemplo de los jornaleros tamaulipecos
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guest workers
social isolation
United States

How to Cite

El aislamiento social de los trabajadores con visas H-2A. El ejemplo de los jornaleros tamaulipecos. (2012). región Y Sociedad, 24(53). https://doi.org/10.22198/rys.2012.53.a170


Tamaulipas accounts for a large number of H-2A visas for temporary agricultural workers as a result of its proximity to the border with the United States, which lowers transportation costs. However, guest-worker programs leave the foreign workforce vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. "Social isolation," which refers to an erosion of the relational sphere of the individual, constitutes one of the principal problems suffered by Tamaulipas's H-2A workers. This article analyzes the "social isolation" situation of guest workers from Tamaulipas employed in the farming sector in the United States.

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