To contribute to the development of a conceptual model of small scale fisheries operating inside the Magdalena-Almejas Bay area in Baja California Sur, Mexico, the relative importance of 14 fisheries was ranked. The rating was based on two methods: 1) qualitative analysis by points, and 2) an index of relative importance. Both use indicators such as average catch, catch value and frequency of target species reported on fishing trip tickets registered from 1998 to 2009. Fisheries that contribute to the development of fishing activity in the region are: scallops, fin-fish, shrimp, shark, crab, squid, clams, ray, mullet, octopus, abalone, lobster and pink-mouthed murex. The temporal interaction between some of them is controlled by official seasonal bans, but when it does occur, possible effects are by-catch, illegal fishing and ecosystem changes.
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