Touristic Experience of Gender Dissidents in Latin America
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Gender dissidence
tourism experience
Latin America

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Touristic Experience of Gender Dissidents in Latin America. (2022). región Y Sociedad, 34, e1638.


Objective: to explore the touristic experiences of gender dissident individuals in Latin America and to promote the sensibilization to reduce discrimination in the touristic industry. Methodology: qualitative interviews were conducted with people with non-normative gender identities in countries of the region. Results: for people with non-normative gender identities touristic experiences have relevance, both positive and negative, in the emotional, physical, interpersonal, and identity spheres. Value: this study contributes to the understanding of tourist experiences from a perspective of gender diversity. Limitations: the results are not generalizable to the entire population with diverse gender identities in the study region. Conclusions: the tourist experiences of people with non-normative gender identities are deeply associated with gender and social stigma.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Martha Marivel Mendoza Ontiveros, Carlos Monterrubio, Javier Pérez Díaz


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