Objective: to analyze the current state of parks and gardens in Hermosillo, Sonora, taking into account their tree cover and the proportion between native and introduced species. Methodology: a random selection of municipal jurisdiction spaces with an area greater than 170 m2, where the tree cover, the quantity of native and of introduced species were calculated. Results: the presence of 29.2% of native species and 70.8% of introduced species is confirmed. Tree cover did not exceed 33% in all cases. Value: indispensable information is presented for the urban development management that focus on environmental quality. Limitations: green areas of private residences and of public street ridges were not included. Conclusions: it is demonstrated that the current state of urban green areas is a low vegetation cover and that they have few native species’ presence. The areas need ecological recovery to favor the population’s quality of life.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Carmen Isela Ortega Rosas, Jazmín Martínez Salido, Nancy Esmeralda Sánchez Duarte, Daniel Morales Romero