Strategies for the Development of Advanced Technology Industries. The Case of the Aerospace Industry of Querétaro and Sonora
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regional innovation system
absorption capacities
aerospace industry
business development

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Strategies for the Development of Advanced Technology Industries. The Case of the Aerospace Industry of Querétaro and Sonora. (2022). región Y Sociedad, 34, e1549.


Objective: to analyze the regional innovation system and knowledge absorption capacities effects on the aerospace industry development in Querétaro and Sonora. Methodology: to identify the particularities of each case studied, the comparative method was used. A semi-structured questionnaire, in-depth interviews, and the analysis of statistical figures issued by the main government were used in order to obtain information. Results: it is demonstrated that companies with an environment that provides greater incentives for innovation and that provide facilities for the collaborative relationships development have a greater possibility of growth and integration into value chains. Value: the investigation provides relevant information that contributes to understand the aerospace industry operation in Mexico. Limitations: the study circumscribes to the surrounding socioeconomic conditions analysis and to the learning processes within the firms. Conclusion: even though the Mexican aerospace industry has accomplished considerable growth, the sector is still almost exclusively led by transnational companies, which reflects a certain inability to achieve a local industry to be introduced in the international market.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Rocío Dolores Muñoz Ibarra, Ryszard E. Rózga Luter


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