Entrepreneurial Women’s Socio-Economic Determinants of the Empowerment in Tijuana, Mexico
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women entrepreneurs
socio-economic determinants

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Entrepreneurial Women’s Socio-Economic Determinants of the Empowerment in Tijuana, Mexico. (2022). región Y Sociedad, 34, e1522. https://doi.org/10.22198/rys2022/34/1522


Objective: to assess female entrepreneurs’ most relevant socio-economic determinants for empowerment in Tijuana (Baja California, Mexico).  Methodology: the empowerment index and ordinary least-squares (OLS) were used. Results: it is shown an index above 0.7 (on a 1.0 scale). The analysis of six variables (education, number of children, income, created jobs, marital status, and experience) exhibits a direct relationship between three, an inverse association in two, and a not significant in one. Value: to deepen the analysis of key factors that enhance the empowerment of entrepreneurial women. Limitations: it is considered the appropriateness of longitudinal studies and the comparison between different groups and regions. Conclusions: empowerment increases when the female entrepreneur holds a higher educational level combined with a high-income venture with several employees, and while being single with no minor dependent.

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