Psychological Manifestations during the First COVID-19 Cases in Users of the Crisis Intervention Call Center in Sonora
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Crisis Intervention Call Center
crisis intervention
psychological effects
people from Sonora

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Psychological Manifestations during the First COVID-19 Cases in Users of the Crisis Intervention Call Center in Sonora. (2021). región Y Sociedad, 33, e1454.


Objective: to analyze the main psychological manifestations of the first cases treated by COVID-19 at the Crisis Intervention Call Center, in Sonora, Mexico. Methodology: a retrospective ex post facto study was conducted with a group of 123 users in whom the effect of the pandemic in different areas of life was evaluated: affective, somatic, interpersonal, cognitive, and behavior. Results: anxiety was the main reason for calling in 48% of the cases, which was associated with users’ age. A X2 analysis indicated that anxiety was associated with diet changes, feelings of sadness, high concern about the disease and changes in breathing. Other reasons for calling were stress (23%), depression (19%), and grief (10%). Limitations: the number of users of the sample and the type of study reduce the possibility of generalizing the results. Value: the main effects on mental health due to the COVID-19 pandemic are analyzed and recommendations for their management are generated. Conclusions: the COVID-19 pandemic causes mental health problems such as anxiety in adults and depression in young people. Crisis intervention telephonic assistance is a viable alternative to address the psychological effect on the affected population that requires it.

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