Dynamics of Employment at the Traditional Business Center of Toluca (Mexico), 2010-2018: Spatial Shift-Share Analysis
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spatial shift-share analysis
traditional business center

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Dynamics of Employment at the Traditional Business Center of Toluca (Mexico), 2010-2018: Spatial Shift-Share Analysis. (2021). región Y Sociedad, 33, e1395. https://doi.org/10.22198/rys2021/33/1395


Objective: to explain the dynamics of employment in the traditional business center of the metropolitan area of Toluca between 2010 and 2018. Methodology: non-spatial and spatial shift-share analysis focused on the 17 sectors that operate in the center and two key sectors —retailing and professional services— are detailed. Results: the center is in economic decline and weakens as a place of central functions. Through the investigation, micro-spaces and strategic sectors were identified as needed for attention to recover and strengthen the center and other successful centers’ central functions on which the vitality of the study area depends. The causes of this heterogeneous performance in the center and in the micro-spaces are identified. Limitations: the causes of causes of the employment dynamics are not specified because it requires fieldwork. Value: the incorporation of the spatial dimension to the shift-share analysis. Conclusions: the work offers critical information to strengthen the center as a place of central functions and development engine.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Luis Giovanni Ramírez Sánchez, Tania Chávez Soto, Carlos Garrocho Rangel


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