México-Estados Unidos: problemas y retos en seguridad fronteriza en la Administración Obama
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border security
human rights
transborder cooperation
strategic negotiation
public policy

How to Cite

Ramos García, J. M. (2012). México-Estados Unidos: problemas y retos en seguridad fronteriza en la Administración Obama. región y sociedad, 24(55). https://doi.org/10.22198/rys.2012.55.a135


The purpose of the following article is to analyze the most important issues and challenges, in terms of border security, between Mexico and the United States under the administration of President Barack Obama. This evaluation focuses on the main difficulties and expectations regarding border security in both countries, as well as the underlying context of insecurity on the Mexican border, the intensification of violence, and issues of government legitimacy on several levels. The central premise is that relations between the two countries have been characterized by tensions and conflicts, reflecting the lack of support for strategic planning and negotiation processes aimed at strengthening the security and quality of life of Mexican border communities.

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