Association and Citizen Participation in Ciudad Juárez
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Ciudad Juárez
external efficacy

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Association and Citizen Participation in Ciudad Juárez. (2020). región Y Sociedad, 32, e1326.


This paper explores the incentives of associationism as a form of political participation at the local level. The aim of this paper is to analyze data from a survey applied to members of civil associations in Ciudad Juárez. This data is analyzed through a multiple correspondence technique in order to discriminate and assess the proximity of variables to construct the categories of greater explanatory relevance. Results inform that the variables that group citizen participation and external eficiency can be listed among the associationism incentives. The interpretation of this result leads to the conclusion that the main incentive for individuals to associate is the citizen participation. Associative action increases the sense of external efficacy since individuals perceive that this form of participation, when carried out collectively and not individually, is more likely to be effective and to be taken into account by the government. Future empirical research could explore different incentives for political activism whithin associationism.

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Copyright (c) 2020 Gisselle De la Cruz Hermida, Guillermo E. Boscán Carrasquero, Rafael Enrique Valenzuela


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