Mining and Water Security in Northwestern Mexico: A Double Exposure Approach
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large scale mining
water security
double exposure
rural communities
northwest Mexico

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Mining and Water Security in Northwestern Mexico: A Double Exposure Approach. (2020). región Y Sociedad, 32, e1295.


This study’s objective is to explore the relationship between mining and water security in a climate change context in Sonora, and how this put rural communities in a situation of double exposure. These relationship examples belong to the locality of Cucurpe. Methodology integrates quantitative and qualitative techniques for collecting, constructing, and analyzing spatial, statistical, and discursive data at various scales. Findings indicate that a majority of the land and water mining concessions are located in zones with important water limitations. Although locally there are benefits, communities take uncertain risks not fully foreseeable in the short term. The study has limitations related to its exploratory and descriptive nature, which could be better addressed in future studies with samples more representative regionally. The conclusions point out the importance of inter-sectoral collaborations between mining, the government, and society, to achieve water security in face of climate change.

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