El concepto de seguridad en el nuevo paradigma de la normatividad mexicana
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public safety
national security
homeland security
intergovernmental coordination

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El concepto de seguridad en el nuevo paradigma de la normatividad mexicana. (2013). región Y Sociedad, 25(58). https://doi.org/10.22198/rys.2013.58.a128


The article parts from the assumption that the concept of security goes beyond public safety. With the objective of identifying the meaning of security in Mexican law, the article analyses the different definitions found in federal and state laws. The main findings are: a) the law restricts the meaning of security to public safety, b) in the legal framework of the federal government, the meaning of security extends to national security but restricts intergovernmental cooperation, and c) the state governments do not have an equivalent concept, reducing their capacity to design an agenda that considers diverse issues related to security that are different to those related to public safety. The article proposes incorporating the concept of homeland security, which would enable intergovernmental and internal cooperation, expanding the meaning of security to issues that go beyond public safety.
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