Social Embeddedness in the Management of Traditional Irrigation Systems in Northwest Mexico
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traditional irrigation systems
social networks
rural communities
share capital

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Social Embeddedness in the Management of Traditional Irrigation Systems in Northwest Mexico. (2019). región Y Sociedad, 31, e1221.


The objective of this study is to unveil the underlying social structure of two groups of irrigators managing traditional irrigation systems (TIS) located in Sonora (Mexico) and to show the extension of TIS management relationships’ embeddedness in social networks with different roles. Social embeddedness approach was operationalized through social network analysis methodology. Empirical evidence shows that TIS cases are collectively operated without any external aid by rural farmers dedicated to agriculture and cattle rising. Research findings reveal that despite the differences in irrigator rural communities’ historical trajectories, both irrigators’ groups converged to form a dense network of friendship, family and in-laws. Social embeddedness was supported by intense ties (relational) and dense/transitive relations (structural).

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