Access to Energy Services. A Critique of Mexico's 2030 Agenda
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energy services
2030 Agenda
K-means cluster analysis
correspondence analysis
sustainable development
energy policy

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Access to Energy Services. A Critique of Mexico’s 2030 Agenda. (2019). región Y Sociedad, 31, e1146.


This article aims at identifying and describing Mexican households in terms of access to energy services and their main socioeconomic characteristics in order to show the relationship between access to electricity and to the services that energy provides. A quantitative methodology with multivariate techniques was applied, which included the K-means cluster analysis and the correspondence analysis. The results warn that there are households with high homogeneity and intergroup heterogeneity, a scenario that reveals a problem of social inequality regarding access to energy services, despite the fact that almost all of them have electricity. The limitation of the study was the lack of official information on the capacity (power), size and brand of home appliances. It follows that the State must implement an energy policy that recognizes this social differentiation, with a cross-sectional approach of economic, social and environmental sustainability.

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