Structural change in the states specializing in automotive production in Mexico, 1998-2013
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regional economy
automotive industry
advanced services
structural change

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Micheli Thirion, J. (2019). Structural change in the states specializing in automotive production in Mexico, 1998-2013. región y sociedad, 31, e1110.


This article aims to investigate the trend of structural changes in the 12 states specializing in automotive manufacturing and their parts in Mexico. Basic statistical calculations were used to cover the period 1998-2013, and the study was based on the literature that suggests a relationship between manufacturing and services, a feature of modern economies and their structural change. According to the findings, in the states analyzed there have been impulses in different intensities towards an imbalance between the automotive and non-automotive manufacturing sectors, as well a growth of the advanced tertiary sector, in a context of indicators that show in a generalized way poor quality of remunerations and employment. The main contribution of the study is that it proposes a statistical and analytical framework to generate a stylized description of the regional effects derived from the powerful presence of the automotive industry, showing that it does not derive towards balanced and similar processes of regional structural change.

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