International return migration in the State of Mexico
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return migration
return programs
socio-occupational reintegration
in-depth interviews
State of Mexico

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Salas Alfaro, R., Jardón Hernández, A. E., & Murguía Salas, V. (2019). International return migration in the State of Mexico. región y sociedad, 31, e1085.


The objective of this research is to analyze international return migration in the State of Mexico, knowledge returnees from the United States bring with them, how they are employed, restrictions they face and the means to overcome them. Information is derived from in-depth interviews with returned migrants who reside in more than 30 municipalities in the State of Mexico, located using the snowball technique and the friendship networks. The findings show that returnees have working and academic knowledge, as well as skills, and there is an urgent need for implementing public policies which favor their labor integration in productive jobs and activities, enabling them to capitalize assets and capabilities acquired abroad. According to the results, accumulated labor knowledge, skills and productive assets can be used to promote the development of the regions to which migrants return, especially to improve their living conditions.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Renato Salas Alfaro, Ana Elizabeth Jardón Hernández, Verónica Murguía Salas


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