El poder de los alcaldes en México: control partidario de los gobiernos locales y desempeño electoral, 1991-2006
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subnational politics
electoral mobilization
generalized estimation equation models

How to Cite

El poder de los alcaldes en México: control partidario de los gobiernos locales y desempeño electoral, 1991-2006. (2013). región Y Sociedad, 25(56). https://doi.org/10.22198/rys.2013.56.a104


Rising political competition and fiscal decentralization have had important consequences on subnational politics and governments in Mexico. The literature on these consequences has emphasized the growing influence of governors on local and national politics. This article contributes to the debate on the subject by highlighting a phenomenon neglected by recent literature: the power of the mayors in the electoral arena. The article proposes that partisan control of local governments affects parties' electoral performance. In order to test this hypothesis, we analyzed electoral results obtained at the municipal level by the three main parties -PAN, PRI and PRD- in all elections between 1991 and 2006 within three states that vary in terms of governing party and electoral competition. 

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